Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Mardi Gras from Sydney

Apologies for my absence, it's been almost 12 months. This coming Saturday Sydney will host the Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras. This Mardi Gras will be extra special, my mum is coming in from out of town and my sister will be flying in from South Australia. It will be a fun evening, we're living it up at the GlamStand with great views of the parade.

A photo of some Christians who can carry that title with pride.
SOURCE:  Craig Jewell Photography
The past twelve months have been pretty awesome. Living with my partner has provided challenges and delights, more delights than challenges. Work is going well, we're busy which is a relief given the current state of the global economy.

I'll do my best to get back on track with a few more regular posts. Thank you for your support and comments. I also need to tabulate the survey results, thank you to the 53 people who responded, I will get these results out in the next month or so. I've just finished a major survey for work, so I should do it while my brain is in that zone.